
网络 · 2009-11-13 · 1030 人浏览

最近实验室的路由不稳定,而且由于人多了,经常碰到网速很慢,猜测有人使用p2p大量下载,于是想试试控制,看了一下实验室的路由,靠,居然是WRT54G v4版本,简直是史上最经典路由啊,于是打算刷路由的第三方固件.

现在第三方比较流行的是dd-wrttomato,网上征询后,主要的意见是,稳定找tomato,功能全可玩性用dd-wrt,由于主要是实验室用,于是打算刷tomato,另外查了一下刷机方法,tomato也方便一些,可以直接用web端刷.于是下了tomato 1.25版本开刷, 虽然有比较经典的1.19等版本, 不过我还是喜欢新的. 刷机过程很容易,reset原先的路由后,直接从web端刷,2分钟就搞定了, 上去大致浏览了一下功能,带宽监控,Qos,流量统计等等一应俱全, 果然强大. 将实验室网络浏览设置为high, 其他非标准下载端口设为low,以保证上网正常,文献下载正常.当然无线扩展功能也很强大, 不过在实验室就用不上了, 主要保证正常上网浏览. 其他诸如客户端显示也很详细, 保证不至于路由负担太重. 由于内存不是很大, 关闭了一些不需要的功能, 比如telnet等等, 使得路由的空余内存稍大, 保证稳定性.


另外尝试在WRT54G2 v1上刷了一下dd-wrt,效果也不错,过程比tomato复杂些,由于害怕砖头,于是严格按照readme上做,甚至需要等2分钟的地方我等了3分钟.当中还是比较担心的,不过还好一次成功了.简述一下步骤和摘要:
1. Reset the router to defaults on the Linksys Admin page, and let it reboot or manually reboot it after its finished.

2.Set your computer to a static IP address of and for a mask and plug ethernet cable into LAN port of the G2v1 unit.

3. Log in admin page (username is blank, password = admin) and navigate to firmware upgrade page. Browse to the VxWorksKiller-G2V1-new.bin file, press Upgrade and wait 60 seconds for it to reboot on its own, if it does not, then powercycle the router manually.Wait another 60 seconds and reboot it again. Router should now be listening for tftp transfer of dd-wrt firmware.

4. Tftp the DD-WRT firmware to the router, use "dd-wrt.v24-10709_NEWD_micro.bin" from the folder where you got these instructions; after sucessful tftp, wait 3 min for the router to finish writing new nvram deafults, etc... It should reboot on its own at
least two times, so give it 3 min and then go to (If it not reboot on its own, wait another 1 min, and then power cycle it)

5. When if finishes booting up...do a hard reset on the unit...let it boot again, and configure.
6. Don't forget to set your computer back to automatically obtaining DHCP and DNS.


ddwrt tomato 无线 路由

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  1. [...] 当然可以买专用的中继设备, 但花费太高, 不如利用现有的设备刷第三方设置中继. toamto还没研究过, [...]

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