
求知 · 2011-02-16 · 4363 人浏览

RICE MORPHOLOGY DETERMINANT Encodes the Type II Formin FH5 and Regulates Rice Morphogenesis.

Plant Cell. 2011 Feb 9;

Authors: Zhang Z, Zhang Y, Tan H, Wang Y, Li G, Liang W, Yuan Z, Hu J, Ren H, Zhang D

Multicellular organisms contain a large number of formins; however, their physiological roles in plants remain poorly understood. Here, we reveal that formin homology 5 (FH5), a type II formin mutated in rice morphology determinant (rmd), plays a crucial role in determining rice (Oryza sativa) morphology. FH5/RMD encodes a formin-like protein consisting of an N-terminal phosphatase tensin (PTEN)-like domain, an FH1 domain, and an FH2 domain. The rmd mutants display a bending growth pattern in seedlings, are stunted as adult plants, and have aberrant inflorescence (panicle) and seed shape. Cytological analysis showed that rmd mutants have severe cell elongation defects and abnormal microtubule and microfilament arrays. FH5/RMD is ubiquitously expressed in rice tissues, and its protein localization to the chloroplast surface is mediated by the PTEN domain. Biochemical assays demonstrated that recombinant FH5 protein can nucleate actin polymerization from monomeric G-actin or actin/profilin complexes, cap the barbed end of actin filaments, and bundle actin filaments in vitro. Moreover, FH5 can directly bind to and bundle microtubules through its FH2 domain in vitro. Our findings suggest that the rice formin protein FH5 plays a critical role in determining plant morphology by regulating actin dynamics and proper spatial organization of microtubules and microfilaments.

actin formin rice

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  1. makun 2011-05-17
    molezz :后面那个说法对 RICE MORPHOLOGY DETERMINANT这里斜体表示突变体株


  2. molezz 2011-05-16


  3. makun 2011-05-16


  4. molezz 2011-05-15

    @makun formin家族水稻21个成员, 5是其中一个, formin分2类, typeI和typeII, II一般有PTEN, I有跨膜功能域, 具体可以看这方面的综述2004

  5. makun 2011-05-15

    你好,我的毕业外文翻译是翻译这篇论文,可是,遇到了一些困难,想请教一下,能不能告诉我下,这个题目中的the Type IIFormin FH5是什么意思呢?查了好多都不能确定具体的意思。如果可以的话,可不可以把整个题目的意思告诉我下!谢谢!谢谢!

  6. makun 2011-05-15


  7. shane 2011-03-16


  8. molezz (作者)  2011-02-20

    @azalea 大姓啊~ 三个主人公倒都是zhang, 呵呵

  9. azalea 2011-02-16


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